06. September - 08. September 2024

Saxophon Detail Foto STRAMU Würzburg

Information for Artists

from A-Z

Applications are possible at any time (throughout the whole year).

There are two deadlines: After 31 December, we review all applications and make an initial selection. Applications received after this date will be reviewed after the end of February. All applications that reach us after this date count as applications for the following year.

You can apply here.

The festival office and the backstage area, where you can leave your equipment, are located in the town hall’s citizens’ office.

You will also find the catering there.

StraMu will reimburse your travel costs as agreed in advance.

We will provide you with simple (multi-bed) rooms in the city centre of Würzburg.

Local artists won’t get any travel costs or accomodation.

During the festival there will be catering for everyone in our backstage area.

StraMu does not pay any fees. The artists receive their wages in the form of hat money or through the sale of CDs, which from experience works very well.

We can pay street artists without CD sales a small allowance.

All artists who do not receive an invitation for one of the official venues have the opportunity to take part in “Freiufer”.

“Freiufer” is an off-festival where all those who decide to come on short notice will still be able to get playing time and space.

You can find more information here.

For three days, the Stramu team researches and screens all performances in the regular festival programme (artists from the Freiufer are excluded).

The three StraMu Discoveries will get the “Zasterklang Award”.

It is endowed with 1,500 euros and is donated by Sparda Bank.

You’ll find additional infos here.

Your performances will take place in around 20 places in the Würzburg pedestrian zone.

Here you will perform in rotation with other artists. Usually you can stay at one place for one day and we try to avoid changing places during the day as much as possible. As far as the duration and frequency of the performances are concerned, we will try to follow your wishes as much as possible.

All venues are equipped with a simple electricity connection and a pavilion (as rain or sun protection) as well as lighting in the evenings.

You bring all the equipment you need with you. STRAMU deliberately does not use stages, so you play directly on the pavement to interact directly with the audience.

Experience has shown that the STRAMU is not suitable for classic rock or cover bands, because of the amplification technology required and because the StraMu is not designed for a stage programme.

But if you want to embark on the adventure of a street show, Würzburg is the place to be!

Würzburg, with its numerous larger and smaller squares, is suitable for both.
We will choose a suitable place for you and make sure that there is no interference from the neighbouring artists.

However, large amplification systems are not allowed! We recommend that you bring small amplifiers, as the ambient noise level in a crowded city centre should not be underestimated.

Very important: Consideration. No one is allowed to disturb other artists by making too much noise. 

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